【技術論壇】2025年 海峽兩岸CMP & 精密加工技術論壇 徵稿中
【研討會】ISAAT 2024 徵稿開始
The 26th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology (ISAAT2024)
【研討會】ISAAT 2023 徵稿開始
ISAAT 2023 (The 25th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology)
Conference Date : 2023/12/10-2023/12/13
Venue: Taichung Taiwan
活動網址: https://im.ncut.edu.tw/p/426-1004-5.php
【Call for Papers】
Submit for ISAAT proceeding
Authors will be provided the options to submit their papers to ISAAT proceedings only, or to both ISAAT proceedings and the International Journal of Abrasive Technology (IJAT, EI indexed).
Abstract submission to ISAAT: The abstract must include paper title, authors and their affiliations, and a summary of the paper within 200 words.
Full ISAAT papers must be written in English of length from 4 to 6 proceedings pages.
The version of the paper submitted to the IJAT should be at least 6 ISAAT proceedings Pages.
Each paper must be formatted and submitted according to the Instructions for Authors available in the conference website.
Author Template Abstract ISAAT 2023
ISAAT Paper Submission:Click here
IJAT Paper Submission:Click here
【邀請投稿】Surface and Interface Metrology in Semiconductor Manufacturing
轉發” Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties”期刊特輯” Surface and Interface Metrology in Semiconductor Manufacturing”徵稿資訊,歡迎有研究心得的先進參考投稿!
Surface and Interface Metrology in Semiconductor Manufacturing
Call for Papers
As semiconductor manufacturers attempt to move beyond the Moore's law, metrology challenges arise to provide accuracy and precision for shrinking of feature sizes with 3D complexity architecture, such as gate-all-around devices. There are many process steps from preparation of wafers through to production of packaged devices, each with specific requirements for 3D critical dimensions, surface and surface and interface properties, finish and functionalization, and cumulative effects on yield. Surface metrology, including optical, contact, electrical, mechanical, and even virtual metrology, is vital throughout the process steps.
This special issue aims to present both the state of the art and the future direction of surface and interface metrology in advanced semiconductor manufacturing. Your contribution is most welcome.
Guest Editors
林增耀 執行長 / 工業技術研究院 量測技術發展中心
陳炤彰 副執行長 / 工業技術研究院 量測技術發展中心;特聘教授 / 台灣科技大學機械工程系
傅尉恩 組長 / 工業技術研究院 量測技術發展中心
投稿頁面連結: https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/stmp-iop (manuscript type請選擇Special Issue article,然後在選單中選取Surface and Interface Metrology in Semiconductor Manufacturing)
ISAAT 2022 (The 24rd International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology)
日期: 2022/12/09-2022/12/12